Game version history
๐ 2025-02-24 v0.9.216
- [PPL2] Added a sound when unlocking an achievement.
- [PPL2] Fixed the category of an Asteroid+Inertic achievement.
- [PPL2] Changed the rarity of an inertic ship from uncommon to common.
- Added back possibility to reduce the resolution.
- Various UI improvements.
- Fixed joystick being invisible in tutorial
๐ 2024-12-05 v0.9.214
- [PPL2] Added new unlockables from the design jam. Thanks for all the submissions!
- [PPL2] Added new achievements that involve playing with an Inertic ship.
- Added buttons in the feed to jump to the source.
- Fixed bug where scores were not properly recorded in 2p with high latency environments.
- Improved UI and keyboard.
๐ 2024-12-05 v0.9.211
- [PPL2] Tweaked difficulty of a few deviations.
- Added ability to reply to comments.
- Added a feed that shows comments on your profile and your levels.
๐ 2024-10-11 v0.9.209
- [PPL2] Fixed bug preventing unlocked achievements from being displayed.
- [PPL2] Added new deviations.
- [PPL2] Added information screen for community levels.
- Added a feed that shows the new WRs and new released levels.
๐ 2024-10-08 v0.9.208
- Fixed bug preventing signing-in and synchronization of progress in some cases.
๐ 2024-10-02 v0.9.207
- [iOS] Fixed bug where the joysticks were not properly located.
- Added ability to rewind replays at 1x. Slightly changed UI of replay.
๐ 2024-09-22 v0.9.205
- [PPL2] Added ability to save and load ship configurations.
- [PPL2] XP and XP leaderboard are shown in game.
- [PPL2] New unlockable ships and trails.
๐ 2024-09-14 v0.9.204
- [PPL1] Changed the PewPew Live 2 promotion UI to ensure that it doesn't violate a Google Play policy.
- [PPL1] Changed the min API level from 16 to 21.
- New designs for the badges.
๐ 2024-08-06 v0.9.198
- [PPL2] XP indicator is now a button that leads you to the screen that shows statistics.
- [PPL2] Correctly show speed run results in player's profile page.
- [PPL2] Fix bug involving saving speed runs.
- Community levels can now be featured.
- Added new high quality chromatic aberration effect.
๐ 2024-07-29 v0.9.197
- [PPL2] Fixed bug where deviations were not properly created.
- [PPL2] Improved deviation balance.
- [PPL2] Added possibility of sorting unlocked items.
- [PPL2] Added 6 new deviations.
- Improved UI, other stuff.
๐ 2024-07-20 v0.9.191
- Released PPL2!
- 4 new game modes: Ceasefire, Pandemonium, Partitioner, Symbiosis.
- Speed runs in every official game modes.
- A world with 60 deviations, 3 bosses.
- A new leveling system where you need to gain XP.
- Hundreds of unlockables: ships, bullets, trails, maces, lasers, joysticks, UI skins.
- Dozens of achievements.
- A Sandbox.
- New music.
๐ 2024-07-20 v0.9.189
- Made PPL compatible with PPL2, and advertise PPL2.
- Improve key and mouse button bindings.
- Fixed synchronization related bugs.
- Fixed crash that could happen when viewing leaderboards.
- Added UwU translation.
- Added Catalan translation.
๐ 2024-04-15 v0.8.180
- New configurable renderer.
- Sound synthesizer supports harmonics.
- Added or improved several sound effects.
- Added comments in experimental levels and profiles.
- Added button to view password.
- Support pause/menu button on game controllers.
- Support Windows' scaling factor.
- Close created online multiplayer room when logging out.
- Fixed bug where sounds effects stopped playing on Android.
- Fixed incorrect medal notifications bug.
- Fixed negative medal count bug.
- Fixed bug where the pause menu could be opened in game over screen.
- Added Kazakh translation.
- Added Uzbek translation.
๐ 2023-09-03 v0.7.173
- Added Hungarian translation.
- Fixed crash in table views.
- Added sorting level by names.
- Textfields work with gamepads.
- Updated replay icon.
๐ 2023-07-23 v0.7.167
- Fixed bug where you couldn't exit level.
- Added option to hide optional floating text messages while playing.
- Filter and sort levels.
- Show difficulty of levels.
- Distance from center of screen is taken into account for the Mouse Aim.
- Pause game when gamepads are disconnected.
- Improved UI and navigation with gamepad and keyboard.
- Added special badge for the top era 1 players.
๐ 2023-06-12 v0.7.164
- Fixed bug where wrong level was loaded.
- Always show information button in community level.
- Support displaying the โต symbol in-game.
๐ 2023-05-31 v0.7.162
- Mark the start of era 2!
- Refreshed official levels.
- Updated gameplay (non exhaustive changes):
- Added pointonium.
- Added concept of score streak, which determines how much pointonium is spawned.
- Show a message ("OUCH", "YIKES", ...) when a ship gets hit.
- Show points when enemies are destroyed.
- Added the reinstantiation bonus in multiplayer levels.
- Fixed bug in collisions between entities.
- Increased radius of bombs from 10 to 15.
- Decreased radius of rolling cubes from 25 to 18.
- Red mothership bullets now disappear after a certain amount.
- Wary shoots every 17 ticks instead of 16 ticks.
- Fix frame skip count for lower weapon frequencies.
- Added support for level versioning.
- Added comments and stats to official levels.
- Added bages to profiles.
- Added page index visualization to table views.
- Added filtering of scores by continents.
- Moved account-related actions to a sub-menu.
- Added button to watch the replay in the Game Over screen.
- Added keyboard shortcut TAB to hide the HUD.
- Added keyboard shortcut to restart levels (default is R).
- Added navigation in the UI with gamepads' L1-R1 and L2-R2.
- Support gamepad vibration in the Steam version of the game.
- Show end of game stats in replays.
- Handle multiplayer lobbies created with a different version of the game.
- Added a themed icon on Android 13.
- Clamp custom entity explosion duration to [0, 255].
- Added API to create pointonium.
- Added API to influence and get score streak level.
- Added API to create bonuses.
- Added API to create floating messages.
- Added API to create small freeze bombs.
๐ 2022-10-29 v0.6.132
- Added Georgian translation.
- Added "Credits" screen, which replaces the contributors screen.
- Added possibility for community levels to include extra information.
- When aiming with a mouse, you can press Space to shoot instead of having to click.
- Added Reset button to the UI Settings screen.
- Optimized rendering by using memory pools for the rendering commands.
- Division by 0 with fixed points do not crash the game anymore.
- Made
support 3 more entities types, which should now cover all entities.
๐ 2022-09-10 v0.6.130
First Steam release!
- When using mouse aim, show line from the center of the screen to the cursor, to make aiming easier.
- Support adding a margin around the UI.
- Support all of the SDL scancodes.
- Support for multiple colors in names of translation contributors.
๐ 2022-08-30 v0.5.129
- Higher than 60hz refresh rate supported on Android.
- Show score and time elapsed when game is over.
- Show IP address of room in LAN screen.
- Added
- Fixed bug showing incorrect scores when quickly switching levels or region.
- Fixed margin in button in Game Over screen.
- Fixed crash when calling
in the first tick.
- Reduced leaks caused by Lua's use of longjmp when an error occurs.
- The first song played is now randomly selected.
- In passwords, show the last character typed.
- Added button to retry failed level and replay downloads.
- Added Simplified Chinese translation.
๐ 2022-04-23 v0.5.128
- Made the UI scale well with extreme window ratio.
- Removed button to copy link to replay.
- Added API to set a string in the top left of the HUD.
- Show error when loading ressources with an invalid path (mesh or sound).
- Added UI to configure gamepads.
- Show joysticks configuration triplet in the joystick configuration screen.
- Shaders properly set the alpha, fixing a bug when taking screenshots on Android.
๐ 2022-04-09 v0.5.127
- Added setting to adjust the UI scale.
- Added setting to hide scores in-game.
- Fixed webasm crash when playing sounds with invalid sound IDs.
๐ 2022-03-04 v0.5.126
- Added button to copy link to replay.
- Added button to access the current era's leaderboard.
๐ 2022-02-15 v0.5.125
- Automatic synchronisation of progress.
- Added Greek translation.
- Added API allowing the control of the camera's XY position.
- Lua interpreter shows stack traces when errors occur.
๐ 2021-12-05 v0.5.124
- Show other player's profile in the game.
๐ 2021-11-14 v0.4.123
- Display joysticks in replays.
- Removed abililty to post comments that are less than 3 characters.
- Non authenticated players can't see comments on levels anymore.
- Show notification if an update is available.
- Fixed bug in DNS resolution for STUN servers.
- Moved DNS resolution and STUN queries off the main thread.
- Fixed crash caused by Android returning the wrong media duration on some devices.
- Switched from userLandscape to sensorLandscape on Android.
๐ 2021-09-15 v0.4.121
- Joysticks disappear if touchscreen is not used.
- Added a crosshair when aiming with the mouse.
- Quickpause cancelled if keyboard/mouse/gamepad is used.
- Pressing Shift reduces the movement speed by 50%.
- UI cleanup.
๐ 2021-09-11 v0.4.120
- You can comment the community levels.
- Fix crash when selecting one of the creative languages.
- Take into account the safe area on Android.
- Better support mouses on Android.
- Added sekret Halloween background.
๐ 2021-08-15 v0.4.119
- Added new ship!
- You can keep playing while you wait for people to join your room.
- Detect if you are behind a symmetric NAT which would prevent you from playing in online multiplayer.
- New enemies available in the API.
- You can change your nickname's colors! Finally!
- Notification are now animated more smoothly.
- Added support for keyboard on iOS.
- Fixed LAN multiplayer room discovery on iOS by adding the Multicast entitlement.
- Android devices with notches or hole-punch cameras are better supported.
๐ 2021-06-26 v0.4.118
- Fixed bug with the waiting room not being visible anymore.
- Show ship name.
- Fixed issue with vibrato and sound effects.
- Added music visualization for the 3 other official game modes.
๐ 2021-06-20 v0.4.117
- Added additional song.
- Improved support for gamepads.
- Added support for gamepad on iOS.
- Fixed some UI that did not take into account the safe area on iOS.
- Music now loops correctly on iOS.
- Added music visualization.
- Added API to control the player ship's speed, API to add music visualization.
- Added possibility to delete your account from within the app.
๐ 2021-05-07 v0.4.116
- Shield HUD changes color depending on the number of shields left.
- A notification is shown at the end of the game whenever you beat your personal best.
- The more arrows are present, the smaller and more transparent they are.
- Added a compression friendly renderer, for better quality streaming and video recording.
- Added a button to enter "immersion" mode in replays.
๐ 2021-05-04 v0.4.115
- Labels that are too large to fit in the UI are horizontally shrank.
๐ 2021-04-28 v0.4.114
First iOS release!
- Added UI to list the levels for a given author.
- Fixed bug with some strings not being translated.
- New APIs that allows you to: rotate meshes more easily, create player bullets, query entities in area, make entities react to weapons.
๐ 2021-04-06 v0.4.113
- Added API to make Rolling Cubes and UFOs collide with walls.
- Optimized 4x4 matrix multiplications on arm64 with neon instructions.
- Fixed the bug with the translated strings not being properly gotten.
- Fixed sound effects in community levels occasionally not being correctly loaded.
๐ 2021-03-25 v0.3.111
- Show stars obtained for community levels.
- Added per-player synchronized statistics for community levels.
- Added API to add and remove walls.
- Added Romanian translation.
- Added Pirate Speak translation.
- Optimized the loading of the font so that it can scale to thousands of characters (e.g. to support CJK languages).
- Optimized the loading of the Waves background.
- Various improvements to the Dark renderer.
๐ 2021-03-03 v0.3.108
- Added new Dark renderer with heavier bloom and dirty lens effect.
- Added possibility for custom levels to not have a leaderboard.
๐ 2021-02-16 v0.3.104
- Changed the API to make it possible for the Lua callbacks to not be duplicated. This can result in saving 45 bytes per callback set.
๐ 2021-02-07 v0.3.103
- Various UI improvements, including displaying all the single player levels in a single menu.
- Fixed potential crash in collision detection. This was blocking the release of a community level.
- Show milliseconds in replay timer.
- Show the number of ticks elapsed in the tutorial if the tutorial is completed quickly enough.
- Improved Waiting Room decorations, courtesy of Flavour.
- Added two more sekret backgrounds.
- Added Tagalog translation.
๐ 2021-01-27 v0.3.100
- Limited the number of entities you can have in a game.
- Limited the amount of RAM that can be used in Lua scripts.
๐ 2021-01-13 v0.3.99
- Added online multiplayer! Works in p2p using UDP hole punching.
- Improved Lua API.
- Added Indonesian translation.
- Added Ukrainian translation.
๐ 2020-12-19 v0.2.97
- Added account system. The medals obtained are verified server side.
- Rendering improvement: very thin lines do not flicker.
- Exploding meshes now have rotating segments.
- UI stops highlighting selected buttons after 5s.
- Added Italian translation.
- Added Lithuanian translation.
- Added Spanish translation.
๐ 2020-11-28 v0.1.90
- Added new APIs for community levels.
- Community levels are filtered by the game's version number.
- Added sekret winter holiday background.
๐ 2020-11-23 v0.1.89
- Added gamepad support in webasm version.
๐ 2020-11-19 v0.1.88
- Fixed crashes in community levels.
- Added missing Polish characters.
๐ 2020-11-18 v0.1.87
- Fixed crashes and glitches in multiplayer.
- Fixed crash on Samsung phones running Android 8.1.
- Added German translation.
- Added Polish translation.
- Added Portuguese translation.
๐ 2020-11-02 v0.0.84
- Fixed bug in community levels.
- Added more low res renderers
- Medals are replaced by stars for community levels to reduce confusion.
- Community levels can be marked as "Experimental".
- General UI polish
- Added French translation.
- Added Meme-nglish translation.
๐ 2020-10-12 v0.0.83
- Support the back button in Android.
- Graphics are loaded over multiple background threads. Helps in Waves because the mesh for the background takes
a long time to create.
๐ 2020-10-10 v0.0.82
- Added support for Community Levels!
- Replays camera now can show all players, instead of following a single player.
๐ 2020-08-12 v0.0.81
- Added possibility to filter scores by country.
- Added option to disable the quick pause.
- Optimized RAM consumption during replay playback.
- Fixed the double tap bug on Web version of PewPew.
- Added Russian translation.
- Added Croatian translation.
- Added keyboard with russian alphabet and croatian characters.
๐ 2020-08-15 v0.0.77
WebAssembly version released on
๐ 2020-08-14 v0.0.77
- Added Waves game mode.
- Added new unlockable ship.
- Added new 16x and 32x low resolution renderers.
- Added pixel shader based anti-aliasing.
- Added Restart button.
- Improved score and level navigation.
๐ 2020-07-02 v0.0.72
- Added setting to swap the left and right touchscreen joysticks.
๐ 2020-06-20 v0.0.71
Initial Android release with 4 game modes (Eskiv, Hexagon, Asteroids, Fury), 6 ships, 8 trail types, 8 bullet
Server history
Includes changes to the website, the game servers, and the discord bot.
- Added PPL2 to the landing page.
- Added a sitemap.xml, robot.txt, and a 404 page.
- The site now has a refreshed look with icons!
- Better mobile support for the website.
- Deleting your account now asks for confirmation.
- Updated to Bootstrap 5.3.
- Changes ` and keybinds to HTML counterparts in change log.
- Added number of WR in Era 2 rankings.
- Update privacy.html and account_help.html with instructions on how to delete account.
- Add mastodon and tiktok to the list of profile social links.
- Migrate levels to new versioning system.
- Show a toast notification confirming that you updated your profile.
- Trusted level creators can have their levels be automatically approved.
- Added link to PPL on Steam.
- Updated to the new the Google Play logo.
- Made the backend history visible.
- Changed background from dark teal to black to match the change in background color in PPL.
- Started tracking the history of the website.
- Added capability for admins to erase individual scores. This is a bandaid for handling the occasional duplicated scores.